Arepitas de Buren (Panini Corn Rolls)

This treat has its origin in a small Dominican town called Bani. It's basically the only place in the country where you can find it without a problem. It's a breakfast treat and it's accompanied with ginger tea or herb tea.

Prep Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 3-5
Cooking Time: 40-60 minutes

1 lb (4 cups) of yellow corn flour
6 cups of water
3 cups of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
1 cup of fine unsweeten coconut flakes
1/2 bar of unsulted butter, melted
4 tablespoon of anise seeds
Plantain Leaves squrare size of 15cmX20cm


In a small saucepan, add a cup of water, anise seeds and salt and bring to a boil. Let cool

In a deep pot, pour water and slowly, in small portions, pour corn flour and stir until blended

Make sure flour is completely dissolved.

Add the the anise mixture, butter, and sugar to the corn flour mixture. Stir blend well

Pour 2 full tablespoons of the flour mixture onto the plantain leaf and roll. Repeat until until you are out the mixture

Place them on the grill or oven for about 7-10 minutes, turning ocasionally to assure thourough cooking

Then, turn on panini grill to medium-high

Remove plantain leaves and place them in the panini gill and press for about 1-2 minutes, just enough to mark diaginal lines

Serve hot or cold with coffee or tea

